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Global knowledge and local insight across specialised and chemical tanker chartering

We offer full coverage of the chemical tanker chartering market – from deep sea to inland cargoes including chemicals, edible oils, biofuels and clean petroleum products (CPP). Our specialist brokers can assist with time charters, spot charters and Contracts of Affreightment (CoAs), so whatever you need, we’re able to help you cut through the complexity of the Specialised Products market, deliver on your objectives and exceed them every time.

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Fixture, operational & claims support


Dedicated team members worldwide


tonnes of specialised products seaborne trade (estimated 2023)

“We are known for delivering exceptional support throughout the voyage lifecycle – and beyond”

Jon Webber

Global Managing Director, Specialised Products
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Our team is available throughout the conference

21 - 24 April


Shipping biofuels and mitigating risk

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Unrivalled specialist knowledge

We add value through our unique blend of broking and specialised chartering knowledge, market intelligence and commercial data, whatever the cargo, whatever your needs. Whether it’s a Contract of Affreightment for complex chemical derivatives, or a spot charter for simple molasses – our Specialised Products team is expert in brokering throughout the supply chain from production to end-user.


Bespoke strategic solutions

Using our critical mass of specialised tanker chartering knowledge and expertise, we provide a seamless end-to-end broking service throughout the supply chain. Supported by market-leading strategic and analytical verification and validation, we work with our clients to maximise their leverage and develop shipping procurement strategies with competitive advantage.

aerial top view oil tankers park at oil port


Closing the loop to deliver greater value

Our Specialised Projects desk works with producers, traders, owners, and investors to create smarter strategies and joined-up solutions that deliver stronger results across the lifecycle of chemical shipping projects. We provide a holistic service, ensuring a comprehensive approach is taken to deliver successful outcomes.

Anthony Rowan, Head of Projects, Specialised Products
Anthony Rowan, Head of Projects, Specialised Products

Chemical Tanker market coverage

Understanding the demand for all sectors of specialised tonnage, spot or CoA, is fundamental to delivering bespoke and tailored tonnage procurement solutions across the chemical tanker market. Maintaining knowledge and execution within a single team brings greater efficiencies and stronger working relationships.

Sinan Berdan, Specialised Products, Projects, broker
Sinan Berdan, Specialised Products, Projects, broker

Integrated experts

Our Projects team is comprised of experts across Time Charter, Newbuilding and Secondhand who work collaboratively across client accounts. This joined-up approach delivers greater value through the ability to recognise, rationalise and present opportunities across the breadth of your shipping objectives and fleet lifecycle.

Josh Saxby, Specialised Products, Analyst
Josh Saxby, Specialised Products, Analyst

Driven by marketing-leading intelligence

Our sector-focused analysts provide unique market intelligence, producing data-rich and innovative reports and presentations to inform our brokers and clients. The unparalleled insight provides better visibility of the market and underpins strategies, advice, and execution.

Alex Anderson, Specialised Products Broker, Projects
Alex Anderson, Specialised Products Broker, Projects

A global presence with scalable solutions

Primarily located across London, Singapore and Houston, we are backed by a world-wide presence to provide regional insight against a global backdrop. We can bring together financing solutions, digital integrations and advisory services for decarbonising, to deliver a more comprehensive and relationship-driven partnership.

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Expert analysis across the chemical tanker market

two men sitting at a table signing documents
Broking Specialised Products

Clarksons and Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies spearhead green hydrogen maritime supply chain offering

Clarksons Specialised Products is pleased to announce that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies, a German pioneer in Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier (LOHC) technology, to collaborate on a roadmap to establish a maritime supply chain for the bulk transportation of green hydrogen in chemical tankers using Hydrogenious' LOHC technology.

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Specialised Products Chartering Broking

Europe's Future in Chemical Production: How Will This Impact The Chemical Fleet?

The European Petrochemical Association (EPCA) meeting in Vienna late last month saw the industry come together at the nexus point between a very challenging 2023 and the uncertainty awaiting the market in 2024. In this report, we will focus on some of the key topics that were under discussion, and how these will impact the chemical tanker sector in terms of tonnage demand and trade flows next year.

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Aerial view of an oil tanker on the move
Specialised Products Chartering Broking

Asian PX Outlook for Q4 2023

In a report last month, we took an in-depth view of how many chemical markets have found some relief from a bearish economic outlook and weak derivative consumption this year through a recovering gasoline market and more demand into the blending sector.

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