Celebrating the EcoVadis Silver Medal Award
Clarksons’ latest EcoVadis assessment puts us in the chemical industry’s top 15% for sustainability.
What is EcoVadis?
EcoVadis is the world's most trusted business sustainability rating platform through which buyers can have their suppliers rated against various sustainability criteria. These include 21 CSR criteria across four themes:
- Environment
- Labour and human rights
- Fair business practices
- Sustainable procurement.
Why do we choose to be rated?
We were asked by our clients to participate in the EcoVadis assessment. Many clients in the chemical industry will now only use service providers and suppliers who are assessed by EcoVadis.
What does a Silver Medal rating mean?
Our latest overall score shows us to be in the 85th percentile for our sector. This means we more than qualify as a reputable service provider for our existing and prospective clients who only use companies that meet the EcoVadis minimum ratings score.
How do we get rated?
In order to achieve a high score, suppliers need to provide evidence for having implemented a structured sustainability management system. This comprises various policies, implemented measures and certifications, as well as being regularly monitored and reported against key performance indicators (KPIs) across all four themes. For the assessment, an online questionnaire is completed and evidence for each answer is uploaded.
A special thank you goes to the Compliance Department for their tireless dedication in providing the evidence needed to complete the assessment.