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Offshore wind sector reaches record-breaking capacity


Clarksons Research has released full year 2021 data points for the Offshore Renewables sector. These show further record capacity growth for Offshore wind as it continues to play a vital role in global energy transition.

“2021 was another record-breaking year for the Offshore wind industry.”

Steve Gordon, Managing Director of Clarksons Research

Key findings from the previous 12 months include:

  • A record number of newbuild investment
  • Increasing global active capacity to an all-time high
  • Offshore wind project CAPEX commitments reaching the second highest total on record
  • Lower than average wind speeds in much of Europe limiting power output from Offshore wind farms and reducing the volumes that operators could sell into the market.


While reporting on the position in 2021, Steve Gordon noted:

“Our Energy transition modelling also suggests Offshore wind could reach 6-9% of total global energy supply by 2050.”

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