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How can we mitigate the commercial risks associated with the speculative construction of liquefied CO₂ carriers?

Written by Elwin Taylor


Having previously identified the commercial risks associated with the speculative construction of liquefied CO₂ carriers, this article dives deeper, examining what can be done to mitigate some of these risks...

Should we be adding more grades of cargo to liquefied CO₂ carriers?

Perhaps the most obvious way to mitigate the potential issues related to liquified CO₂ carrier construction is to add some (or all) of the following liquefied gases to the vessel’s certificate of fitness:
  • LPG
  • Propylene
  • Butadiene
  • Ammonia
  • VCM
  • Ethane
  • Ethylene
This would give the vessel the potential to carry other cargoes on complementary trade routes, meaning there will no longer be ballast legs...

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